As my Bachelor’s thesis to obtain my degree in Commercial Communication, in a team of 7 students we organised the “Antwerp Advertising Awards” 2014. My task was the complete branding of the event : creating the logo, sponsor document, brochure, beachflag, the design of the website and the newsletters in Mailchimp.
Triple what?
The Antwerp Advertising Awards, or the abbreviation” Triple A”, is the award show of an advertising competition among advertising and design students. These students could participate with an advertising project they made themselves. Five of these students were selected to preset their idea the night if the award show and at the end of the evening the professional jury and the public have chosen a winner.
– 200 people attended tot he event. A mixture of students, professionals from advertising agencies and interested people.
– We presented three awards during the show.
1/ The most creative campaign won a Adobe Creative Cloud license
2/ The campaign with the smartest strategy won an iPad
3/ The best campaign according to the public won tickets for a theatre and a night in at the Ibis hotel.

